Good to blog after a long 3 years :-)
Normally anyone within Datawarehosuing would be be finding harder to get in the actual meaning of many hard definitions.
From which I am going to blog two words today
1. Strategic Intelligence
Normally we pile up a lot of data within the warehouse to analyze the same , get the trends from the data and define strategies for Business.
These load of data would normally be used by pile of back office workers
using the BI tools
2. Operational Intelligence
When the operational workers such as Call center workers get the insight of the data or the analytic capablity, then it is termed as operational intelligence
Find below the link which provides more content on the above two words

Normally anyone within Datawarehosuing would be be finding harder to get in the actual meaning of many hard definitions.
From which I am going to blog two words today
1. Strategic Intelligence
Normally we pile up a lot of data within the warehouse to analyze the same , get the trends from the data and define strategies for Business.
These load of data would normally be used by pile of back office workers
using the BI tools
2. Operational Intelligence
When the operational workers such as Call center workers get the insight of the data or the analytic capablity, then it is termed as operational intelligence
Find below the link which provides more content on the above two words
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